Royal Hotels Casinoguide

Royal Hotels Casinoguide

Denmark Revenue Goes Down

Denmark has released that their country’s second quarter in 2013 resulted in revenue going down. Denmark has lost money compared to the same time period within 2012. This is consistent with a number of other reports during the year which are all related to the economic times we are lingering in.

These are some of the highlights for this quarter which ends on June 30th. All together Denmark was able to bring in five hundred and eighty five million Danish Kronor’s. Last year they made a considerably larger amount of money but the overall amount of money that Denmark believes they will make by the end of the year 2.385 Billion Danish Kronor.

The online gambling industry had a much better year for Denmark. Online casinos were able to keep a payout ratio of 96% and an overall betting payout of 86%. These are very high numbers and shows that online gambling is growing within Denmark. Even since the inception of ROFUS in June of 2012 they have seen a growth of two thousand new registered numbers.

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