Royal Hotels Casinoguide

Royal Hotels Casinoguide

Scotland Has Concerned For The Future Of Gambling

Lorna Hood, a Moderator for the General Assembly Scotland Church warned the citizens of Scotland with the effects of this day and ages gambling. Struggling Scottish families are more eager to gamble
The Right Reverend Hood was one of the most concerned about the future for mobile and online gambling saying, “Advertisements are always on TV Programmes or Sport Games. These advertisements encourage our citizens to gamble online or through one of their mobile devices. The accessibility that is available to us within arm’s reach has never been seen before. Gambling is one of the oldest industries on Earth and has a long history, it has now reached a new era that allows for it to become more addictive.”

“These ads want online punters to gamble on a regular basis. They are trying to make it a part of a normal culture and make it seem cool to the younger generation. Advertising companies have gone into harsh campaigns in order to appeal to the mass majority of Scotland players. The danger that can come with online gambling is just as bad as a drug addiction. You spend all of your money but you don’t realize it, you become addicted and that’s exactly what these advertisement companies want.”

Others have come out and said that online gambling or mobile gambling isn’t a hard thing to control. It is unsure as to watch the future holds for Scotland’s online gambling. If more come out about the dangers of gambling then there could eventually be a ban.

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